Public Opinion Survey
The Gelliondale Wind Farm is a proposed renewable energy facility centred around the district of Gelliondale in south-east Victoria. The site is approximately 7 kilometres south-west of Yarram, 3 kilometres west of Alberton and 8 kilometres east of Welshpool.
The wind farm is planned to have a total capacity of up to 80 megawatts, generating enough clean electricity to power about 37,000 homes and representing an annual carbon dioxide reduction of 320,000 tonnes. The project will create about 50 jobs during construction and 10 ongoing positions.
Gelliondale Wind Farm is committed to engaging respectfully with the community, to being sensitive to environmental and cultural values and to making a positive contribution to the area in which we operate. In that respect, Gelliondale Wind Farm is looking for feedback from the community and other stakeholders as well as input that will help shape our proposed community benefit program.
Note: Information provided through this survey will be stored securely. Your contact details will only be used to engage with you regarding this proposal and your survey responses will not be linked to your name.
Important: If you have any question or concern, Gelliondale Wind Farm has opened an information centre in Yarram at 310 Commercial Road to exhibit information about the project and facilitate community feedback.
Members of the Gelliondale Wind Farm team will be available to discuss the project and respond to questions on Thursdays from 1pm to 6pm or by appointment (contact Adam Gray or Ashley Clifton) at a time and place that is convenient.
You can also contact us on: