Gelliondale Wind Farm to stage flora and fauna information session

Gelliondale Wind Farm to stage flora and fauna information session

Gelliondale Wind Farm will hold a flora and fauna community information session to detail recent ecological studies undertaken on the site.

It will be held on Thursday 18 May from 1.00pm to 5.00pm at the Gelliondale Wind Farm information centre at 310 Commercial Road Yarram.

The session will be presented by Nature Advisory director Inga Kulik.

Nature Advisory is a highly credentialed ecological assessment consultancy that has completed studies on more than 60 wind energy projects nationally.

Inga Kulik will be available throughout the four-hour session to discuss the flora and fauna of the Gelliondale area, potential impacts of the wind farm on specific species and the impact avoidance and mitigation methods that can be deployed. She will also address vegetation removal and offset requirements.

Inga Kulik has more than 20 years experience in managing ecological investigations for large projects within the renewable energy sector.

The Gelliondale Wind Farm project is being developed by Synergy Wind with support from RWE Renewables Australia, one of the largest renewable energy generators in the world with 9.5 gigawatts of renewable energy assets worldwide.

“Planning and technical investigations have now been completed along with targeted flora and fauna surveys and detailed environmental assessments,” said Synergy Wind managing director Adam Gray.

“Engagement with neighbouring properties has been ongoing and a broader community engagement program implemented.”

As part of the community engagement program, Synergy Wind and RWE played a major role as a ‘platinum sponsor’ of the recent Tarra Festival.

Synergy Wind sponsored the Easter Carnival, while RWE sponsored the Tarra Festival and Saturday market and attended the Lions Club Market on Easter Monday.

The sponsorship provided an opportunity to set-up information marquees and provide the community with further details of the wind farm.

“We had about 150 individual discussions with people from the local area over the Easter weekend and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive,” Mr Gray said.

“We also had an opportunity to outline details of the Community Benefit Program that will distribute between $160,000 and $240,000 annually. The weekend provided valuable feedback to help shape the development of the program.”

Responses to a community survey have shown that developing local industry and employment is a “high priority” for 65 per cent of residents. Other significant priorities include upgrade of local infrastructure and support for environmental programs.

Gelliondale Wind Farm awarded 13 random survey participants a $200 EFTPOS gift card in appreciation of the time members of the local community spent in responding.

Media contact for further information:

Adam Gray
T: 0438 418 103

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