The Project

About the project

Gelliondale Wind Farm is a proposed renewable energy facility centred around the district of Gelliondale in south-east Victoria. The site is approximately 7 kilometres south-west of Yarram, 3 kilometres west of Alberton and 8 kilometres east of Welshpool.

Gelliondale Wind Farm will consist of a maximum of 13 wind turbines across 1500 hectares of cleared agricultural land and ancillary infrastructure including an energy storage system and a substation adjacent to an existing 66 kilovolt transmission line that passes through the site.

The wind farm is planned to have a total capacity of approximately 80 megawatts, generating about 300,000 megawatt hours of renewable energy a year – enough clean electricity to power about 37,000 homes and representing an annual carbon dioxide reduction of some 320,000 tonnes. The project will create about 50 jobs during construction and 10 ongoing positions.

Planning and technical investigations into the design of the grid connection are underway. Targeted flora and fauna surveys have been undertaken and other detailed environmental assessments are near completion.

As part of the development process Gelliondale Wind Farm is actively engaging with key stakeholders and the local community and seeking input into the proposal.

Following recent site assessments and to support continued community involvement, Gelliondale Wind Farm has opened an information centre in Yarram at 310 Commercial Road to exhibit information about the project and facilitate community feedback. Members of the Gelliondale Wind Farm team will be available to discuss the project and respond to questions on Thursdays from 1pm to 6pm or by appointment at a time and place that is convenient.

Gelliondale Wind Farm Indicative Layout
Click to enlarge